
They are actions that will be executed every time that you release a new version of your project.


When you declare a plugin under the plugins path at your .bumpedrc, you are creating a step to be executed before or after you release a new version.

Plugins can be used as prereleases and postrelease steps interchangeably: You can put it in the step that you need it.

In all the cases, the plugin declaration is formed by the description message of the step and the plugin that you want to use.

    Say hello:
      plugin: bumped-terminal
      command: echo Hello my friend!

The rest of information, (in this example, command) depends of the specific plugin used.


Every time that you release a new version, plugins will be executed.

Also, As you can imagine, the workflow will be:

  • Execute prerelease plugins.
  • Increment the current version.
  • Execute postrelease plugins.

Plugins are executed on series. Under the words, this means:

  • Order is important (or not): first plugin declared will be first plugin to be executed.
  • If a plugin have a unexepected exit, it stop the pipeline and the release process.

Available plugins

Name Description
bumped-terminal Executes whatever terminal command.
bumped-changelog Auto generates a changelog file in each bump.
bumped-finepack Lints your JSON Config files and keep them readables.
bumped-http Expose an HTTP Client to interact with API's endpoints.
bumped-gh-pages Publishing files on GitHub Pages.

Write a plugin!

A plugin is a simple interface for connect thid party software with bumped workflow.

First need to define the API for your plugin, for example:

Say Hello:
  plugin: bumped-echo
  message: 'hello world'

Here we are defining bumped-echo plugin that output a message.

Now, write the necessary code for do the task:

 * bumped-echo, print a message in your temrinal
 * @param  {Object}   bumped
 * @param  {Object}   plugin        
 * @param  {Object}   plugin.opts   
 * @param  {Object}   plugin.title  
 * @param  {Object}   plugin.logger
 * @param  {Object}   plugin.path
 * @param  {Function} cb
module.exports = function(bumped, plugin, cb) {
  const {message} = plugin.opts